Dominion Flag And Pole


Telescopic Flag
                        Pole Parts

The average life span of a quality Flag Pole should last from 20 to 30 years under most weather conditions.

In cold weather, our Telescopic Flag Poles will not freeze but will continue to function due to the special locking system, unlike spring loaded and twist lock Flag Poles.

With a wall thickness of 10 gauge Aerospace 6013 aluminum, the tensile (or bending strength) of the drawn 6013 aluminum equals or exceeds the strength of traditional steel.   The tensile strength of our Poles are 59,450 PSI, whereas 16 gauge is 30,000´s PSI)

As with aluminum alloys 7029 and 7021 (used in the construction of airplanes), alloy 6013 has strength similar to HSLA steel with results in weight reduction of up to 60%.
                            10 Gauge 6013 aluminum

For better operation, compatibility, strength and beauty, we are offering the ONLY true Telescopic Flag Pole consisting of 5 sections instead of 4.  You have the Option to fly a second Flag.

  • 3" Anodized Aluminum Ball.
  • 3 Extra thick for maximum strength thermoplastic composite swivel rings, for a complete 360° rotation of one or two Flags.
  • 4 rust proof, stainless steel clips.
  • Extra thick aluminum ground sleeve.
  • Simple and easy to follow installation instructions.
Nautical Pole


Telescopic Flag Pole Sizes
16 Feet
20 Feet
25 Feet
30 Feet
 Pole Base Size
2 ½"
2 ¾"
2 ¾"
3 ½"
3 ½"
16 pounds
20 pounds
23 pounds
28.5 pounds
36 pounds
None, the aircraft-quality aluminum will never rust or need painting.

Ask us about our Telescopic Nautical Flagpoles!



   Sectional Flag Pole              Sectional Flag Pole Hardware

Our Sectional Flag Pole consists of four, 10-gauge aluminum sections, each six feet long and two inches thick. The total assembled height is 23 feet. Each tubing section fits together for a smooth exterior finish.The Sectional Flag Pole can be installed in the ground with the included aluminum foundation sleeve. Alternatively, you can choose to use an optional dock or side mount (pictured below - sold separately).

The Sectional Flag Pole is packaged as a Kit complete with an aluminum foundation sleeve, four-section flag pole, rope, aluminum rope cleat, nylon flag snaps, heavy cast aluminum topper with pulley, decorative aluminum gold-coloured ball, mounting screws, and instructions.

Optional Dock / Top Mount OR Side Mount

$ 79.00 each

Optional Dock or Side Mount

(Flags sold separately)


Spinner Flag Pole

Spinner Pole Photo in
Spinner Pole
The flag you attach to a spinning aluminum flag pole will spin freely in the wind. Our six foot Spinning Flag Pole has a diameter of one inch. It is made up of two sections which connect in the middle. The included adjustable aluminum bracket can be set to a dozen different positions.  A decorative gold-coloured ball top finishes the look of this attractive, practical and affordable pole.

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